Sunday, February 14, 2010

Power Station - When

4Shared stream later.

This is the opening song to the smash hit series "Princess Returning Pearl."

當山峰沒有稜角的時候 when the mountains no longer have ridges
當河水不再流when the river water no longer flows
當時間停住 日夜不分 when time stops and there's no difference between night and day
當天地萬物 化為虛有when all the things of heaven and earth turn to nothing
我還是不能和你分手 I still will be unable to let go of your hand
不能和你分手unable to let go of your hand
你的溫柔 是我今生最大的守候your tenderness is the greatest thing I look for in this life
當太陽不再上升的時候 when the sun no longer rises
當地球不再轉動when the earth no longer spins
當春夏秋冬 不再變換 when the four seasons no longer change
當花草樹木 全部凋殘when all sorts of plants wither completely
我還是不能和你分散 I will still be unable to be parted from you
不能和你分散unable to be parted from you
你的笑容 是我今生最大的眷戀your smile is the greatest thing I long for in this life
讓我們紅塵作伴 活的瀟瀟灑灑let us keep company in this mortal world, living according to nature
策馬奔騰  共享人世繁華 urge our steeds onward, enjoying the marvels of this world
讓我們對酒當歌 唱出心中喜悅let us make merry with wine and song, singing out our hearts' joy
轟轟烈烈  把握青春年華with all our strength grab onto the years of our youth
repeat chorusrepeat chorus
verse 2verse 2
chorus x2chorus x2

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